Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We’ll provide the property location including GPS coordinates and directions, however, we don’t employ real estate agents to show the property. Feel free to take a look around. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

Yes, you can purchase any of our properties. A lot of customers don’t visit the properties before they make a purchase. Some are purchasing the properties as an investment, others are for future home sites while other customers make the purchase for their future hunting and camping trips. We conduct the purchase process remotely and you can reserve your property online. Once we see you reserved the property online, we will follow-up with you to complete the purchase process remotely.

Since we own the property we offer owner financing. No credit check or proof of income documents are required. Since we finance the properties, the purchase process is streamlined and simple to complete. After you reserve the property, we will send you a promissory note and land contract to secure your interest in the property and we will make arrangements for your preferred method of payment. Check out our how to purchase a property section for more details.

If you decide to finance the property, our preferred and easy method of payment is ACH transfer. If you would prefer another method, such as sending us a check or other online method of money transfer, please contact us and we will be happy to make arrangements that are easy for you.

Yes, we offer cash purchases on every property. The choice is yours, we offer owner-financing and cash sales.

If you’re ready to make a purchase, simply select the property on our listings page. When you select the property, you will have the opportunity make a deposit on the property. We will follow-up with you and send you a purchase agreement which you can sign electronically. If you are unsure if you want to purchase the property in full or finance the property, you will still have time. By making a deposit, you are simply reserving the property. Once you return the signed purchase agreement, we’ll finalize the purchase process.

No. We handle everything online with electronic signatures. Some counties require a wet signature on the deed. We will handle that on our end since we are deeding the property to you. If the purchase price is a large sum, we may close through a title company. Title companies now allow for online electronic closings, but we cannot always guarantee that will happen.

No. We have invested in off-market land and are now in a position to sell. Since we own each of the properties we advertise we don’t employ real estate agent so there are no hidden fees or commissions to pay which keeps the costs low. We are selling our properties for sale by owner.

Each listing in different since we have properties available all over the country. The property listing will include the status of utilities.